Appendix I

 1. integer procedure RESYM;
    There is no sense in a call of the function designator RESYM if
    the input-tape is not a 7-holes tape, punched in MC-flexowritercode.
    RESYM delivers a value which is the internal representation of the
    first flexowriter-symbol on the tape, different from
    (i)  the punchings blank(0), erase(127), stopcode(11) and back-
    space(42), which are skipped by RESYM,
    (ii) the punchings lower case(122) and upper case(124) with due
    observance of the last case-definition used by RESYM or READ.
    The internal representation of flexowriter-symbols is given in
    Appendix II.

 2. real procedure READ;
    READ delivers the value of the next number of a data tape.

 3. procedure PRSYM(n); value n; integer n;
    PRSYM(n) prints the symbol corresponding to the value of n as
    given in Appendix II.

 4. procedure PUSYM(n); value n; integer n;
    PUSYM is the punching analogon of PRSYM.

 5. procedure SPACE(n); value n; integer n;
    SPACE(n) prints n spaces.

 6. procedure PUSPACE(n); value n; integer n;
    PUSPACE is the punching analogue of SPACE.

 7. procedure PRINTTEXT(s); string s;
    PRINTTEXT(s) prints the symbols of the strings, one after another,
    not printing the outer stringquotes.

 8. procedure NLCR;
    NLCR brings about a line feed and a carriage return.

 9. procedure PUNLCR;
    PUNLCR is the punching analogon of NLCR.

10. procedure RUN0UT;
    RUN0UT punches 20 cm. blank tape(= 80 punchings).

11. procedure ST0PC0DE;
    STOPC0DE punches the MC-flexowriter stopcode, followed by RUN0UT.

12. procedure EXIT;
    EXIT finishes the execution of the program. 

    Appendix II

    int            int             int
    repr.  symbol  repr.  symbol  repr.  symbol
      0      0      30      u      61     Y
      1      1      31      v      62     Z
      2      2      32      w      64     +
      3      3      33      x      65     -
      4      4      34      y      66     times
      5      5      35      z      67     div
      6      6      37      A      70     intdiv
      7      7      38      B      72     <
      8      8      39      C      74     >
      9      9      40      D      76     not
     10      a      41      E      79     or
     11      b      42      F      80     and
     12      c      43      G      87     ,
     13      d      44      H      88     .
     14      e      45      I      89     _10
     15      f      46      J      90     :
     16      g      47      K      91     ;
     17      h      48      L      93   space
     18      i      49      M      98     (
     19      j      50      N      99     )
     20      k      51      0      100    [
     21      1      52      p      101    ]
     22      m      53      Q      118  tabulation ')
     23      n      54      R      119 carriage return
     24      o      55      S      120    '
     25      p      56      T      121    "
     26      q      57      U      122    ?
     27      r      58      V      126    _
     28      s      59      W      127    |
     29      t      60      X