I have another file somewhere that I can't find right now, which I started while working on tansliterations of Atlas Autocode, where I documented some of the substitutions I was using in HTML for Flexowriter characters and overstrikes. (later note: http://www.gtoal.com/languages/algol60/x1algol/README-alg.txt see also new-unicode-parser/ at this level.) There is a lot of overlap with Algol 60 and its various syntax representations. I wanted to record this note: I have been using ⊃ (superset) for the Algol symbol for operator 'Implies'. However I discovered today there is a proper logic symbol for that: ⥰ Unfortunately the visual appearance is somewhat elongated and not as good as what you get with ⊃. What I discovered recently was that it is almost possible now to represent Algol 60 source code in native style using Unicode encodings without the need for HTML encoding. This includes underlined characters, which means that Algol 60 (and Atlas Autocode) source files can be edited in native mode just as on the Flexowriter (as long as your O/S and editor support Unicode - on mine I've detected two missing characters so far. One is the undeline with turned-up edges used to denote a space. I can't remember what the other one was - it might actually have been the 'implies' symbol mentioned above.) Unfortunately my web hosting service doesn't let me control the character set used for plain text files and it defaults to some version of 8-bit ISO, so I can't yet host Unicode files without markup and have them look correct from a web browser. I plan to write filters that will convert the various forms of Algol 60 and Atlas Autocode source files into ascii representations that can be used by the remaining compilers.