Utility fake2strop converts pseudo-algol using reserved keywords into quote-stropped format. (and sister utility a60tobold converts to bold-keyword HTML) filter.c, wfilter.c, and qfilter.c canonicalise the most common stropped formats for parsing by algol9ps qfilter.c is the one for properly stropped (single-quote) keywords, such as 'BEGIN'. Other forms allowed are double-quote quoted ("BEGIN"), and keywords only in upper case (BEGIN) (I can't remember offhand if filter or wfilter do these? I do remember that 'wfilter' stood for W-Algol filter (not "walgol" or "algol-w" which are both different beasts!). Two filters for less common KDF9 variants are missing - keywords via underlining (e.g. _b_e_g_i_n), and Atlas-Autocode style %-stripping: %begin There's also yet another kdf9 convention from kalgol, !-stropping: !begin (watch out for !KDF9 keyword) algol9ps converts canonicalised source into publication-syntax html for browsing. It also formats the indentation on the fly, although currently (due to the html output format) it can't be used as a "SOAP" substitute. I may go back to this later and allow simple text output in some approximation to a standard machine-specific form. Note that the canonicalisation procedure loses case significance in identifiers and loses spaces within identifiers. Fixing that will take a replacement of the parser generator with a better one designed specifically for handling source to source transformations. The a60tobold utility avoids those issues but *only* emboldens - it does not generate publication syntax.