ALGOL 60 Refereces




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ALGOL 60 – A Brief Timeline

1958 ACM-GRAMM conference / Zürich.
Preliminary report.
informal meeting (Nov. '58 / Mainz) leading to Copenhagen conference (see 1959).
1959 Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol by the ACM Committee on Programming Languages and the GAMM Committee on Programming.
Algol implementation conference / Copenhagen (Feb. '59).
Algol Bulletin, edited by Peter Naur.
ICIP Conference (June '59 / Paris) - several formal and informal meetings.
European Algol Conference (Nov. '59 / Paris).
preparatory meeting for January 1960 Conference (Dec. '59 / Mainz)
(members: Association Française de Calcul, British Computer Society, Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, and the Nederlands Rekenmachine Genootschap).
USA: comments collected by the Communications of the ACM (CACM).
SHARE and USE organisations establish Algol working groups represented on the ACM Committee on Programming Languages.
ACM Committee meeting (Dec. '59 / Washington): discussion of ACM-comments and selection of representatives to attend the January 1960 international conference;
preparatory meeting in Boston in December 1959
1960 January 1960 Conference / Paris
(preliminary report and the recommendations of the preparatory meetings by Peter Naur).
1962 April 1962 Conference / Rome.
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60 (pub. 1963)
(reviewed by IFIP TC 2 on Programming Languages in August 1962).
responsibility for ALGOL transferred to Working Group 2.1 of IFIP Technical Committee 2.
1963 publication of the Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60
ECMA Subset of ALGOL 60
1964 WG2.1 reports (Report on Subset ALGOL 60, Report on Input-Output Procedures for ALGOL 60).
WG2.1 centers on new language ALGOL 68.
1965 proposals for a different subset and for input/output by ECMA and ACM.
1972 version of Revised Report published as ISO Recommendation 1538 (not approved by IFIP).
3 subsets: Level 1 (ECMA, with recursion), Level 2 (ECMA) and Level 3 (IFIP); full language = Level 0.
1974 WG2.1 discusses new report in Breukelen.
(revised version appeares in ALGOL Bulletin No. 38)
1975 WG2.1 meeting in Munich, report recommended for publication as an IFIP document.
1976 publication of the Modified Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 60.
ACM...Association for Computing Machinery
ECMA...European Computer Manufacturers' Association
IFIP...International Federation for Information Processing
WG2.1...Working Group 2.1 of IFIP

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Reference Publications:

Preliminary report - International Algebraic Language, Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach. 1, No. 12 (1958), 8.

A. J. Perlis and K. Samuelson (ed.), Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol by the ACM Committee on Programming Languages and the GAMM Committee on Programming, Numerische Mathematik Bd. 1, S. 41-60 (1959).

J. W. Backus, The syntax and Semantics of the Proposed International Algebraic Language of the Zuerich ACM-GRAMM conference. ICIP Paris, June 1959; Information Processing, Paris, UNESCO.

P. Naur (ed.), Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60, CACM, Vol. 6, p. 1; The Computer Journal, Vol. 9, p. 349; Num. Math., Vol. 4, p. 420. (1963)

ECMA Subset of ALGOL 60, CACM, Vol, 6 (1963), p. 595; European Computer Manufacturers Association (1965) ECMA Standard for a Subset of ALGOL 60.

R. E. Utmanet al., Suggestions on the ALGOL 60 (Rome) Issues, CACM, Vol. 6, p. 20. (1963)

D. E. Knuth et al., A Proposal for Input-Output Conventions in ALGOL 60, CACM, Vol. 7, p. 273. (1964)

IFIP (1964), Report on Subset ALGOL 60, Num. Math., Vol. 6, p. 454; CACM, Vol. 7, p. 626.

IFIP (1964), Report on Input-Output Procedures for ALGOL 60, Num. Math., Vol. 6, p. 459; CACM, Vol. 7, p. 628.

D. E. Knuth, The Remaining Trouble Spots in ALGOL 60, CACM, Vol. 10, p. 611. (1967)

ISO/R 1538, Programming Language ALGOL. (1972)

Modified Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60. The Computer Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4, Nov. 1976, pp. 364-379.

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The Simula 67 – Algol 60 Universe

SIMULA 67 (1) has been developed by O. J. Dahl, B. Myhrhaug and K. Nygaard of the Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, as a superset of ALGOL 60 introducing the class concept and object oriented programming. These concepts were a major breakthrough towards modern language concepts and a shift to a object - verb grammar, beeing an important premise for the GUI developments to come.

   1)  Dahl, O.-J., Myrhaug, B., Nygaard, K.: SIMULA, Common Base Language.
(2nd. Edition) Oslo 1970, Norwegian Computing Center

The following illustration shows the relations of SIMULA 67 and ALGOL 60:

                 | SIMULA 67
                 |                       : ALGOL 60                |
                 |                       :.........................|.........
Declarations/    | CHARACTER             : BOOLEAN                 |        :
Specifications   | REF (...), TEXT       : INTEGER, REAL           |        :
                 | EXTERNAL              : ARRAY                   |        :
                 | CLASS                 : PROCEDURE               |        :
                 | NAME, VIRTUAL         : LABEL, SWITCH           | OWN    :
                 |                       : VALUE                   | STRING :
---------------  | --------------------  : ----------------------  | ------ :
Expressions      | character expression  : arithmetic expression   |        :
                 | object expression     : Bollean expression      |        :
                 | text expression       : conditional expression  |        :
---------------  | --------------------  : ----------------------  |        :
Statements       | activation statement  : compound statement      |        :
                 | connection statement  : block                   |        :
                 | object generator      : conditional statement   |        :
                 | prefixed block        : dummy statement         |        :
                 | reference assignment  : FOR statement           |        :
                 | WHILE statement       : GOTO statement          |        :
                 |                       : procedure statement     |        :
                 |                       : value assignment        |        :
                 |                       : multiple assignment     |        :
---------------  | --------------------  : ----------------------  |        :
Characteristics  | text handling         : block structure         |        :
                 | class concept         : dynamic array declara-  |        :
                 |    objects            : tion                    |        :
                 |    remote variables   : recurrence procedures   |        :
                 |    co-routines        : mathematical functions  |        :
                 | list processing       ..........................|.........
                 | simulation                                      |
                 | input / output                                  |
                 | generating random numbers                       |

(After Lamprecht, Günther: Intoduction to SIMULA 67. Braunschweig 1983 [back cover illustration])

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