Nineword Latest Version: 15 April 2000. Overview: Nineword is based on a word game found in my local paper The Advertiser. The original version was written in one night for Black and white Labtam's as an in between lectures amusement for a friend. Since then it has been ported to GTK and improved somewhat. The original Xlib version is still available for download, but will most likely be unmaintained. Almost everyone should use the GTK version. Instructions: Make as many words of 4 letters or more as possible conforming to the following rules: * Each letter must be used once only. * Each word must contain the center (black) letter. * There must be at least one nine letter word. * No words ending in 's' or with inital capitals. * The word can be found in the file "/usr/dict/words" * There is at least one Nineword. How to play Type in your word in the text entry box in the middle of the window, or click the letters to form your word. Press enter or click on "Check" to test the validity of your word. If the check is successful, your word will be added to the list of found words and you will recieve one point. Clear unselects all of the current letters you have clicked, while New Word resets everything with a new set of letters from the dictionary. Screenshot [INLINE] Download The newer GTK version [1]Download only 18K The older, black and white version for Xlib. [2]Download only 7K Installation: Untar/gzip: gzip -d nineword.tar.gz ; tar xvf nineword.tar or tar xvfz nineword.tar.gz Check/edit the Makefile to suit your system. "make" to build. "nineword" to play. Licence: Nineword is released under the GPL. _________________________________________________________________ [3]Back to Dave's free software page. Email Dave: [4] References 1. 2. 3. 4.