Danish Scrabble

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Danish Danish
Letter Value Number
A 1 7
B 3 4
C 8 2
D 2 5
E 1 9
F 3 3
G 3 3
H 4 2
I 3 4
J 4 2
K 3 4
L 2 5
M 3 3
N 1 6
O 2 5
P 4 2
R 1 6
S 2 5
T 2 5
U 3 3
V 3 3
X 8 1
Y 4 2
Z 8 1
Æ 4 2
Ø 4 2
Å 4 2
Blank 0 2
Total 100
Confirm the data above from this Danish page (they also have an email game online).

This is a Danish online web Scrabble. There is a good Danish Scrabble homepage which includes an online Scrabble challenge.
Here's an email scrabble game in Danish.
AltaVista results for "Scrabble" on Danish pages (yes, all 20 of them)
Search RO2001 (supercedes RO96) (official Danish word list, available on CD Rom). From the Danish Academy.
Danish Scrabble allows words from both the Retskrivningsordbogen 2001 (Replaces RO96) and the Nudansk Ordbog.
There's another very good quality online wordlist at Den Danske Orsbook Online
Some Danish crossword/word lookup software (commercial)
Scrabble at Hotforum - You probably have to start here to sign up for membership.

Return to Letter by Letter games, foreign Scrabble section.
Scrabble is a trademark of Hasbro Inc in the US (formerly Selchow and Righter) and Mattel (formerly J.W. Spears) elsewhere.